Thirdeye Microdose, the active component of magic mushrooms, is a powerful brain-boosting drug. It has recently been found to have medical properties and is used to treat conditions including depression and anxiety.
A small dose of the drug can make people feel calm and focused and can help them with their everyday tasks. Some people also say they experience an altered state that helps with spirituality, pain management and self-growth.
In recent years, a small but growing number of people have been microdosing psychedelic drugs, including psilocybin and LSD, to improve their mental health and wellbeing. This practice has become known as “microdosing.” Studies have begun to characterize individuals who microdose. They tend to be disproportionately male and to have lower levels of education, income and past year substance use than non-microdosers. They also appear to have lower rates of depression and anxiety disorders, negative emotionality and distress.
Microdosing Magic: Navigating the World of Microdose Mushrooms in Canada
Despite these benefits, some people remain skeptical about microdosing. They worry about the risk of addiction and a lack of research on its effects. Others worry about the legal implications. Psilocybin is a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act and its production, sale and possession is illegal in Canada.
Epperson agrees that more research is needed. But she has seen firsthand how the mushroom helped her. She has been microdosing for about a month and has seen improvements in her mood. It has made her more relaxed and she is able to take in more of the positive aspects of her life, like her family and nature.