If you are looking for a job in France, you can choose from a number of entreprise recrutement agencies in the country. These agencies will contact local and European recruitment agencies to find the best candidates for the job. The CV should have personal information and educational background, and include a reference section. The references should be named and their phone numbers and their jobs. There are some differences in the format of the CV depending on the country.
Hiring Romanian Workers Through a Recruitment Agency in France
The Romanian labor code prohibits the pre-employment criminal and state background checks, so a recruitment agency may offer you these services at no extra cost. However, the law does allow employers to ask for an applicant’s criminal record statement. This is especially useful for applicants with a large number of years of work experience. Also, it is important to remember that many employers do not offer health insurance to employees.
If you are looking for a job in France, you can find one in long weld neck. This country is a member of the European Union, so you will be able to bring your employees without any hassle. However, there are some costs involved in hiring Romanian workers. In addition to hiring the workers, you will have to pay income tax, employer contributions, and social security. The minimum wage in Romania is EUR260, although many foreign companies pay higher wages.