Get rid of onion smell from plastic – There are so many reasons to love plastic containers, but they can harbor the scents of onions, tomatoes, and garlic from days past. Fortunately, there are some easy fixes that don’t require any special cleaning products.
One of the most effective ways to remove odors from plastic is to fill it with vinegar. The acetic acid in the vinegar breaks down odor-causing compounds and leaves your container smelling clean and fresh. If your container has a very strong scent, add a little baking soda to the vinegar solution to help remove it.
Another option is to use a scrub brush and hot soapy water to wash away the odors. After that, you can rinse it well and leave it to air dry. If the odor is especially bad, try leaving it in the sun for a few hours to make sure it’s completely eliminated.
How to Get Rid of Onion Smell from Plastic Containers
Activated charcoal is another great way to remove odors from plastic. It has tons of tiny holes that attract and neutralize odor molecules. All you have to do is put some in a small bag or even just a few pieces of charcoal inside your container and let it sit for a few hours or overnight.
If you don’t have any activated charcoal, you can also mix a bit of baking soda with cool water to create an odor-fighting paste and rub it over your plastic container. This method may need to be repeated a couple of times for stubborn odors, but it’s a much safer and cheaper alternative to chemical-based products.